Products for promo codes

3528 products

Showing 3073 - 3120 of 3528 products

Showing 3073 - 3120 of 3528 products
GU10 virsapmetuma karkass, balts, apaļš, 98x118mm, V-TACGU10 overclad frame, white, round, Ø98x118mm, V-TAC
1xGU10 pendant light, black/gold, 60x500mm, V-TAC1xGU10 pendant light, black/gold, 60x500mm, V-TAC
1xGU10 pendant light, black/gold, 60x500mm, V-TAC
Product code: 6689
Sale price€26,90
1xGU10 iekarams gaismeklis, melns, 60x300mm, V-TAC1xGU10 pendant light, black, 60x300mm, V-TAC
1xGU10 pendant light, black, 60x300mm, V-TAC
Product code: 6686
Sale price€19,90
1xGU10 pendant light, black, 55x300mm, V-TAC1xGU10 iekarams gaismeklis, melns, 55x300mm, V-TAC
1xGU10 pendant light, black, 55x300mm, V-TAC
Product code: 6685
Sale price€22,90
AR111 iebūvējams karkass/armatūra, balts, V-TACAR111 Recessed Frame/Fix, White, V-TAC
AR111 Recessed Frame/Fix, White, V-TAC
Product code: 3575
Sale price€7,99
AR111 iebūvējams karkass/armatūra 3 spuldzēm, melns, V-TACAR111 recessed frame/fixture for 3 bulbs, black, V-TAC
AR111 iebūvējams karkass/armatūra 2 spuldzēm, melns, V-TACAR111 recessed frame/fixture for 2 bulbs, black, V-TAC
AR111 iebūvējams karkass/armatūra 1 spuldzei, melns, V-TACAR111 recessed frame/fixture for 1 bulb, black, V-TAC
GU10 Virsapmetuma karkass stiprināšanai pie sienas, griestiem, satīna niķelis, V-TACGU10 Ceiling-mounted luminaire, satin nickel, V-TAC
GU10 Ceiling-mounted luminaire, satin nickel, V-TAC
Product code: 3629
Sale price€13,20
G9 Virsapmetuma karkass stiprināšanai pie sienas, griestiem, ģipša, balts, V-TACG9 Plaster frame for wall mounting, white, 70x90x95mm, V-TAC
GU10 spuldžu karkass, ģipša, krēmkrāsas, V-TACGU10 Plaster frame, square, white/black, 100x100x130mm, V-TAC
GU10 spuldžu karkass, ģipša, hromēts, V-TACGU10 Plaster frame, round, white/chrome, Ø80x200mm, V-TAC
Save €1,33
GU10 iebūvējams karkass/armatūra, apaļas formas, balts, V-TACGU10 recessed frame/fixture, round, adjustable light direction, Ø88X38mm, recessed. Ø75mm, white, V-TAC
GU10 Spuldžu karkass, melns, V-TAC, max 35W, IP20GU10 Lamp frame, black, V-TAC, max 35W, IP20
GU10 Lamp frame, black, V-TAC, max 35W, IP20
Product code: 8945
Sale price€11,37
GU10 spuldžu karkass, krēmkrāsas, V-TACGU10 lamp frame, cream colors, V-TAC
GU10 lamp frame, cream colors, V-TAC
Product code: 3112
Sale price€22,98
GU10 Plaster frame, square, grey/gold rose, 100x100x130mm, V-TACGU10 Plaster frame, square, grey/gold rose, 100x100x130mm, V-TAC
Porcelāna stiprinājums pie griestiem, E27, dzeltens, V-TACPorcelain ceiling fixture, E27, yellow, V-TAC
Porcelain ceiling fixture, E27, yellow, V-TAC
Product code: 3801
Sale price€3,05

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